This book won "Sreshta Vaidya Sahitya" award in 2012 from prestigious Shankar Prathistana of Gulbarga, Karnataka.
Dr. Rudresh has shared his experiences, challenging achievements and success stories achieved through his journey of practice in the field of Homoeopathy. This is like a referral to all doctors, patients and other practitioners. It shows that Homoeopathy has an answer for every problem in its own approach.
Revised Edition: 2018 (7th Edition)
Pages: vi + 162
Price: Rs. 150/-
This book includes a Selected set of alarming health issues treated through Homoeopathy by Dr.B T Rudresh and their success stories narrated very beautifully.
Revised Edition: 3rd Edition May 2017
Pages: viii + 90
Price: Rs. 65/-
A felicitation volume of Dr. B.T Rudresh on his 60th Birth Anniversary which has details of Dr.B.T Rudresh's personal and professional journey of life. It also has dignitaries and well wishers appreciating his works.
Revised Edition: 1st Edition - 2016
Pages: 500
Price: Rs. 1000/-
A book brought to mark the telecast of 100 episodes on Zee Kannada TV Channel telecast everyday at 7.30am under the program “Ayur Arogya”. It has been a journey of life and the experiences of Dr. B.T. Rudresh. It showcases the vibrant feelings generated and connected with the viewers.
Pages: 48 1st Edition: 2013
Price: Rs. 100/-
Size: Crown 1/8
This book "Poor Mans' Almond Homoeopathy" is authored by Dr. B.T. Rudresh for Kannada Pustaka Pradikara, a premier Government Publishing House under the medical book series. This book is in simple style of question and answer format, where a common man can easily dispel his doubts.
1st Edition: 2012
Price: Rs. 50/-
Pages: xviii + 64 = 82
“Vaidyana Hattu Mukhagalu” was released by renowned poet Prof. K. S Nissar Ahmed in the august presence of revere presence of Sri. Siddagangasri of Tumkur to commemorate The Silver Jubilee Wedding Anniversary of Dr. B.T. Rudresh. The then Hon. Chief Minister B. S. Yeddiyurappa graced the occasion. Highlights of the book are the articles written about Sri Purnachandra Tejaswi and Dr. Rajkumar. 1000 copies were sold in one year.
1st Edition: 2011
Price: Rs. 100/-
Pages: xviii + 64 = 82
15 Serialised Interviews presented in the Audio CD form broadcasted by the Education Broadcasting Channel, Jnana Vani, Bangalore FM Channel 106.4 of Indira Gandhi National Open University.
Subject Specialist: Dr. B.T. Rudresh covered subjects of health concerns faced by the cross section of the people be it asthma, cancer, psycho analysis, diabetes, infertility, back pain, spondylitis, skin disorders, women related health issues, the utilities & misconceptions in regard to Homoeopathy etc.
Interviewers: M. S. Hiremath (covering all the general subjects) and Smt. Rama. S. Hiremath (covering the women related health issues)
Produced by: Dr. B.T. Rudresh, Ashwini Homoeo Clinic
Two-thirds of our population suffers from on ailment or the other like common cold to cancer, diarrhea to dementia, poor concentration to poor vision.
My thoughts, in this book, make evident the process of Homeopathic healing to one and all.
Revised Edition: 2008
Pages: vi + 162
Price: Rs. 150/-
On a special moment when Dr. B.T. Rudresh, celebrates his 50th birthday and 25th year of professional life, BELLI BELAKU SUVARNA BADUKU is penned highlighting his personal and professional life in March 2006.
This book has a compilation of articles published in various premier Print Media about Dr. Rudresh's personality, his works and experiences in the field of Homoeopathy, his dedication and challenging achievements.
1st Edition: 2006
2nd Edition: 2007
Price: Rs. 50/-